Black History Fact of the Day

Robert Tanner Freeman was born in Washington, D.C. in 1846. His parents were slaves and they took the surname “Freeman” after gaining their freedom.

Freeman became friends with Henry Bliss Noble, a local white dentist, as a child. He started working for Noble as a trainee until he was a young adult. Noble encouraged Freeman to pursue a dental education.


Freeman applied for two medical schools, but he was rejected. In 1867 he was accepted into Harvard Medical School due to Noble’s connections. Robert Tanner Freeman and classmate George Franklin Grant became the first blacks to enter.

Freeman and Grant became the first African American dentists in the United States upon their graduation in 1869.

Four years later, Freeman died due to a water borne disease.

He was honored by the National Dental Association which adopted the mission of Dr. Freeman to extend dental treatment and education to people of color and the disabled.


“Pray for me”

“Struggling a lot lately.” Those are the words of singer, Justin Bieber, who recently revealed that he is dealing with depression.

Bieber posted on Sunday a photo of himself with manager Scooter Braun and Kanye West, with a caption that states: “Just wanted to keep you guys updated a little bit hopefully what I’m going through will resonate with you guys. Been struggling a lot. Just feeling super disconnected and weird.. I always bounce back so I’m not worried just wanted to reach out and ask for your guys to pray for me. God is faithful and ur prayers really work thanks .. the most human season I’ve ever been in facing my stuff head on..”

Bieber is heading in the right direction so far to deal with his struggles. Sources say that Bieber has been receiving counseling. 

The singer also opened up about his sex and drug addiction that he struggled with in the past. He has a lot of support so far, including support from his wife, Hailey Baldwin, who says, “I just wanted him to be happy and be good and be safe and feel joy. But I’m really proud of him,” she said. “To do it without a program, and to stick with it without a sober coach or AA or classes — I think it’s extraordinary. He is, in ways, a walking miracle.”